The last couple of days, Cake Wrecks showed off some bad wedding cakes. I love these posts because they put wedding cakes into perspective for me. Plenty of people go to a baker, show them a picture of the cake they want, and get something completely completely wrong. It just shows you how some bakeries are just really bad about cakes and that if you want something that is artistic, you need to take the time to find a good baker. Ask around, get recommendations from your friends, and don’t just trust someone with one fancy cake in the window and a book that claims they’ll be able to do good work. Do your research or you’ll end up with a horrid mess on your wedding day.
But then there are those people who really want a messed up looking cake on their wedding day. I love those posts too. So enjoy these two lovely entries in all their glory. Mmmm. Cake.

what the hell is that? take it the first one was for someone with serious mental problems