I know I am a week late in posting this but I have been very busy. Consider this part one of a three part update. God willing, I will get them all posted today but if the bus I am riding in does not have wifi, then that probably will not happen.
Last Friday Night, after an afternoon at field experience(more about that in a later post), K and I dressed up and head out for Fashion’s Night Out. If you are unaware of what Fashion’s Night Out is, think about it terms of a giant citywide dress up party where everyone puts on their most trendy outfits, wear ridiculously sized heels, and strut around like the sidewalk is a catwalk. 1000 stores over the five boroughs opened their doors, stayed open late, brought in celebrities, and fed patrons with free snacks and booze. The party began at 6 but didn’t break out till around 8 or 9. K and I created a short game plan. We would hit Barney’s, Bergdorf Goodman, then head to Soho and walk up Broadway. We dressed up, I brought my camera, and we were ready to go. And by 8:30, we were exhausted and we called it a night. It was great.
Barney’s was rather tame but I enjoyed the Barney’s brand snacks and water that they gave out. We also saw 13 year old Tavi (the fashion blogger) there. Bergdorf was incredibly crowded – we had to wait in line to get in and every floor (where something was happening) was packed. The doggie designer outfit show was a hit. I loved the little 8oz sodas that were given out. And the place was packed full of designers. While K waited in line for a photobooth where she would play designer dress up, I got to see many designers I did not know and also ran into Nicole Ritchie. Louis Vuitton was a tad tame though, after I left, they had men in the windows licking their bags. Men in moonsuits walked up and down 5th avenue all night long. Tiffany’s had Audrey Hepburn lookalikes everywhere (and delicious lemonade). Down in Soho, Aldos (I think) and Topman were giving free booze (to everyone) and both seemed overwhelmed with the turnout. They ran out of clean glasses and people were reusing old glasses to receive the free booze (which I found very gross). All Saints was laid back but a good looking store (I never saw it before). And I wondered why so many stores actually tried to SELL things at Fashion’s Night Out. Fashion’s Night Out is not about shopping – it is about seeing and being seen. I pitied the guy who was in Barney’s at 6 pm and actually SHOPPING. Please sir, that is just not how it is done.