The ELCA has just released a new web product called Living Lutheran. The tagline is “A daily blend of stories, culture, and community.” It seems to be a type of web community with a large number of contributors writing blogs, creating video content, and talking about …wait for it…. living Lutheran. I am curious to see how this plays out but, well, I just subscribed to the feed and the RSS seems disjointed and out of whack.
But as much as I find a lutheran web presence interesting, what I think was even more interesting was the image that was in my synod’s newsletter announcing Living Lutheran.

Luther prefers to type by lantern light.
Let us be honest here – if Luther used a computer, I really doubt it would be a Windows machine. He would definitely be using a Mac – probably the Macbook Air. Its light weight would make it handy while being kidnapped and sent to Wartburg Castle.
I figure he would have used a standard-issue PC, with the whole package of pre-installed Microsoft products, until about 1516. Then he would have added OpenOffice, right before the 95 Theses. After the Diet of Worms, the guy learned to code, and started customizing his operating system.
And eventually, he just ran Linux.