If your first anniversary is paper, what’s your -1 anniversary?
I’m gonna say it should be a paperclip.

It’s 11 am in the morning here in New York City. One year from now, I’ll be busy at my church organizing the reception setup for my wedding that should start at around 1 pm. T minus 365 to the big day! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Though, honestly, several large parts of our wedding planning are already done. We have 1 year till our wedding and we’ve already nailed the ceremony and reception venue, the wedding bands, her dress, our photographer, and we already know what kind of food we’re going to have. The big things are already lined up. All that’s left is the little details like decorations, what kind of socks I’ll wear, the invitations, how I’ll be sneaking Chula (my cat) and Twinkie (her dog) into the wedding reception, gifts for the bride and groom, book the honeymoon and setup any pre-arranged ransom payments so we won’t be kidnapped by drug lords or mad scientists (since my fiancee is a superhero), and all that jazz. It should be fun. I’m actually excited about the cake toppers. They won’t be the bird ones, they’ll be slightly different but I’m excited. Now we just need to get around to ordering them.