but they’re not save the dates. I promise!

The front of the card
My fiancee had a lovely idea on how to get copies of pictures our friends take at our wedding. Everyone and their mother has a digital camera and everyone and their mother will bring one to our wedding. Even I carry a giant monstrosity of a camera where ever I go. My finacee saw an idea on the wedding plans Live Journal to give out post cards to members as a way to get people to upload their pictures to one central location. Does this mean they’ll do it? No. But it beats trying to email bug everyone we know. I’m fairly addicted to flickr so we decided to use that service and we put the instructions on the back.

Easy no?
We ordered the set from Vista Print and ended up paying $27 with shipping for 250 post cards. That’ll be enough to put one in every program and have a few left over if people want extras. I’m not sure if it will be used a lot but we’ll find out.