Children’s Sermon: Waters of Baptism

Bust out the baptismal font and a tree branch.

So, what’s this (point to the font)? Font.
Right! And what’s this (point to a branch)? A tree branch.

So what do you think we’re going to do with these two things today? Wait and affirm answers.

Today is a special day because we’re going to remember and celebrate the amazing story of Jesus being baptized.

And one thing that happens when we hear about baptism is that we also remember our baptism too. Or, if we were just babies, we end up remembering baptisms we’ve seen – and we’ve seen a lot of them here at Christ Lutheran over the past few months.

Now what are some parts of baptisms that you remember seeing or feeling? Wait and affirm answers.

Now, one way we can also remember our baptism besides hearing stories of baptism is also to touch the water in the font. You might has seen some people do this – where they dip their waters in the font and cross themselves – that’s one way to remember our baptism. Can anyone think of another way? Affirm answers.

Another way is through the use of this evergreen branch. It’s an old church tradition where you get evergreens or another leafy tree branch – I got this one from my yard this morning – and you dip it in the waters, and throw it at others. It’s kinda like a baptism water fight. As the water drops fall on us, we remember the water that was sprinkled on us in our baptism and that God loves us, God is with us, and that God isn’t separate from us. So this week, I invite you to use water in different ways to remember your baptism.

Thank you and I’ll see you next week!

Each week, I share a reflection for all children of God. The written manuscript serves as a springboard for what I do. This is from Christ Lutheran Church’s Worship on the Baptism of Jesus, 1/11/2015.