Children’s Sermon: God Makes Us a Hero(VBS)

Blessing our VBS Volunteers and More. Bust out the superhero gear.

I’m so happy you’re here today!

So we’re going to do something a little different today – we’re not going to be talking about the liturgy – about what we do on Sunday morning. We’re taking a break – we’ll do it again next week. Today, instead, I want to do something else: I want to talk about….being a hero.

Start putting on all the different gear. You’re becoming all the superheroes. Now, I know we talk about superheroes quite a bit during children sermon’s. And I know you have your favorite ones. I went through all the stuff I have at my house to see all the different kind of superhero stuff that I have. Walk through it. Explain each one. Who they are, etc. Then put on all of it.

With all this stuff, I look like a pretty whacky superhero, don’t I? It’s almost like, if I took all the different parts of a superhero and put them together, I’d be a super-super hero. If I had the strength of Iron Man, the speed of the Flash, the eating habits of Michelangelo, I would be awesome. Each superhero has different strengths, different abilities, that help them make a difference. And you know what? Just like superheroes have special strengths, you have special strengths too. Because God loves you, because God is with you, and because you are a beloved child of God, you have strengths too. You have your own gifts that help you make a difference in this world.

So this week, at VBS, we’re going to spend the week talking about the qualities God gives us to be heroes. God’s Heroes have Heart, Courage, Wisdom, Hope, and Power. They do good, seek peace, and go after it. They always love and never let hatred win.

We aren’t heroes on our own. Instead, we need help, and guides, and people to show us how God helps us be heroes. And that’s why God has blessed us with these super volunteers to help with the week. And since they’re helping us this week, we’re going to say a special prayer and blessing for the week.

So let us pray.
Dear Jesus, we are honored to have the opportunity to serve the children you will bring to us during Vacation Bible School. Please be with us as we prepare to do the work you have given us. Help the children to experience your live. Help us teach them about faith as we guide them to see your love in action. This is a week showing children the active life of God through Jesus Christ – a life that let’s us, in the words of Psalm 34, Do Good, Seek peace, and go after it. In your holy name we pray, Amen.

Thank you for being up here and I hope you have a blessed week!

Each week, I share a reflection for all children of God. The written manuscript serves as a springboard for what I do. This is from Christ Lutheran Church’s Worship on the 10th Sunday After Pentecost, 8/13/2017.