MNYS Assembly, Day One, Part 1

I’ve been able to snag a computer in the lobby during the break to report on a few things. Alas, I will not be able to live blog from the conference room but you can follow everything via my twitter feed (@stynxno).

On this Ascension Day, the opening Eucharist went well. I especially enjoyed my part being a communion assistant. There’s a lot of joy in serving my fellow clergy and watching as some of the folks really get into the songs. And to whoever remembered to bring their own tambourine – touche. Well planned!

Nothing really exciting to report in terms of business so far. No resolutions have been argued or talked about. However, I have been told that the strategic plan, viability norms, what to do without an ordained leader, and one other resolution that I’m forgetting, will be following ‘consent’ rules. That means that they will have to be pulled out, on their own, to be discussed or have amendments given to them. I’m not sure how I feel about this and it is possible that I will pull the Strategic Plan out for further discussion. But I’m not sure yet. We’ll see how I feel tomorrow morning when the fun happens.

I’m also, currently, the only Young Adult running for Church Wide Assembly (but I don’t think that I’ll end up unapposed). There’s also, supposedly, forums after dinner but there are no forms or schedules or anything to see what’s up. In fact, I just learned that, as a candidate, I’m suppose to hang out in one of the rooms so people can meet me. To be honest, I hope that’s in the pool because, honestly, I think that’s where I might perfer to be.

The absense of a Bishop Report (we received a type version) ands its replacement by a bible study (led by the Bishop), while a little surprising, wasn’t really because he did use the bible study to reflect on the Strategic Plan (he did that in the sermon as well). Our look at 1 Peter 2:8-10 was fun, though I found some of the supporting verses a little…troublesome (but, hey, as a post-colonial guy, that’s just gonna happen). But I did like how it ended – that we are claimed by God, not for our own benefit, but rather we are claimed to be sent out. And that’s the freaky truth that I wish more of us paid attention to.

Okay, break over! Off to round 2.

Metro-New York Synod is a-go

So, I’m going to try an experiment. Two years ago, I live-tweeted the Synod Assembly (to the annoyance of my followers). This year, I’m going to do the same while also, possibly, live blogging the event. We’ll see how that goes since a) I’ll be leeching off of available wireless, b) the last years I was there, there was a “no laptop/tablet/phone” policy, and c) I’ll be “blogging” on a 3rd Generation Kindle that does not have 3G access. So, as you can see, a million things will go wrong and, well, since I am a poor student, my mobile activities are rather limited. But I’m gonna try to bring you the very best in Metro New York Assembly coverage! And you better believe that the commentary will, like Martin Luther always like to say, be bold. How bold you say? Well! After last time, I met several new people who, months later, met me and went “wait a minute – did you tweet about me?” That’s how memorable this occasion will be. And, yes, I am pretty full of myself today too.

However, since technology is always finicky, there’s a chance none of this will work and I’ll be silent on this site for 3 days. But keep an eye on my twitter feed (@stynxno) and look for the hashtag #mnys. I’m gonna make this happen people.

Metro-New York Assembly is on my mind

Well! We’re just two days away from The Metropolitan New York Synod’s Annual Assembly! Are you excited? I am excited. And to start the whole thing on Ascension Day – that’s neat. I’ll be attending this year (third time in four years) and will be up for a slot as the young adult representative to Churchwide Assembly in next year. So, please vote for me. I am young, I consider myself an adult, and it’ll be awesome. I’d love your vote!

I spent the last few days reading the synod reports and, I must say, I have enjoyed the juicy bits. If you are reading them, you can just feel the anxiety peeling off the page. People are anxious and worried. The Synod is gearing up for its own Strategic Plan and will also be voting on a base definition for what it means for a congregation to be viable. The synod is struggling and it shows. And, as an institution, there are problems. But it’s also exciting too. Maybe I’m a little too punk rock, young, or too much a seminarian, but I honestly think this is a great, exciting, challenging, and difficult time to be part of the church. It’s not going to be easy but, honestly, why do we want it easy? That’s just…well – that’s just too boring. What follows below are some of my thoughts on various random pieces listed in the reports.

We get to vote via electronic button this year! WOOOHOO. I’ll miss the green/red cards (because I always like telling the world where I stand on certain things) and we won’t get a serpentine (alas). But hopefully votes will go quicker and people will let themselves vote for or against certain things depending on their conscience rather than on what they want to appear to be supporting.

2012/2013 Proposed Budgets:
The $30,000 dollar drop for Communications and $80,000 drop for the Bishop’s Office is interesting. I have no idea where those cuts are coming from or what they’ll be used for but those (and the slashing of the Global/Multicultural mission budget in half) might stem from the recent resignation of Gary Mills. I’m sure that will come up at the Assembly and I’m curious how that will go over. I am glad, however, that we’re cutting back (a little) on using the sale of property to fund operations but it’s still three-quarters of a million too high.

Synod Council Reports:
I wish that all the passed resolutions could be found online so that I learn about what’s happening sooner rather than later.
Also, I’m glad that the focus on campus ministry was taken up and championed.
How nice is the apartment they’re building in Greenpoint that they claim is worth $2k a month? I get by on a lot less – I’m just saying. 😉
Anything with St. Lydia’s is just good news.
We lost three churches to other church bodies. I wonder where they went and why (though I could guess).
And I take it that the Synod has basically taken the work of prior multi-cultural focused bishops and decided to just shut that thing down?

New Process to Elect A Bishop:
Our next bishop election is in two years but there’s been thoughts that the process should changed. Instead of the usual wait-to-the-synod-assembly-then-run-around-wild, the model pushed for in a resolution is for a “search committee” based approach. I like aspects of it but a) I think 7 candidates is excessive and b) after some conversations, I’m curious about how this model works for an incumbent bishop. Does that bishop just become another candidate? Would it make more sense to have a vote-of-confidence on the bishop first? I’m not sure how I think about this but it’s possible that this resolution can’t be amended and, if that’s the case, it might be voted down.

Bishop Election Committee:
Not much to say about this except the whole “we’ll pull names out of a hat to determine who is on the committee Acts 1:21-26 style)” is either really ballsy or completely ridiculous. It’s really easy for the committee to become entirely one sex or one ethnicity and that would make the committee just “look” bad even if it was an incredibly effective group. If we’re going to use a search committee model, then there needs to be elements of trust ingrained into the nature of the committee itself. It has to look like it is fair, partial, trustworthy, and worth being listened too. If not, then we’re gonna have problems.

Congregational Viability Norms:
In the proposed ten guidelines for how to determine a viable congregation (Page 14 in Section B), I’m for it. I’m for it though I quibble over what “call a pastor” means (i.e. full time, quarter time, what?) I did love seeing my old pastor write a response to some questions another person had. I’ll miss his voice at the assembly this year!

MNYS Staff Reports:
I have nothing to say but, well, check out Pastor Jonathan Linman’s because WHOA – he tells you everything he did and he did a lot. I hope I never have to write out my own docket like that because it would be embarrassing to look at.

Conference Reports: (a conference is a regional group of churches with one pastor elected as dean)
Reading these can seem rather depressing. Many seem to show that clergy are struggling with uniting together and that there are some conferences that probably won’t exist in a few years. However, there is vibrancy and life in many places and that’s always great to see.

MNYS Committee Reports:
I have nothing to add except that I was named dropped on page 54. BOOYAH.
Well, scratch that, I do have something to add. I’m kind of getting annoyed at the characterization of my generation – the millennials. I’m not sure what’s bugging me about it, exactly, there is something that just doesn’t sit well with the whole thing. I think part of it probably has to do with my own experience as a millennial who did not group up Lutheran, or in any church, and I am now on the track to ordination. I am not the millennial that they are describing or are worried about. I don’t, necessarily, need to be included in everything but it makes me think that when people talk about my generation (even my own peers), no one has any idea what they’re talking about.

Friday Night (light) Reflection

I’ve been meaning to write several detailed posts about the upcoming Synod Assembly for the Metropolitan New York Synod, about the end of my second year of seminary, and about the great trip I took over the weekend. However, instead, I will just share a quick thought I had while watching an episode of Friday Night Lights. For those of you who don’t know, the show takes place in a small Texas town and follows the lives of a series of teenagers, football players, and educators. I’m enjoying it even though there are no hispanics on the show by the end of season 2 (there is a minority shift: the hispanics in the beginning of the series become African Americans by season 3 and 4). But I just saw one episode that, well, it was thought provoking. Since I (God-willing) will be ordained and my future kidling will be a dreaded “pk,” I’ve thought about faith and fatherhood a tad but if I ever do what happened on the show…when a young man told his parents he got a girl in school pregnant, and his mom responded with “Well, Mary and Joseph thought they got into a tough spot too but….” just, just, just slap me. Like a dozen times. Unless I’m doing it ironically. Then you should slap me anyways to get me to move out of Brooklyn because, damn, that hipster stuff is contagious.

My sermon – delivered at “Common Ground,” Advent Lutheran in Manhattan, May 10, 2012

lessons: Song of Songs 2:10-13, Hosea 6:1-6, Acts 14:8-18, Romans 8:18-25

I’m just gonna come out and say that Spring is my favorite season. The new life, blooming flowers, all the green – it really, truly, is my favorite time of year. So when the schedule for Common Ground was being worked up, and Springtime Hope came up as an option, I was all ME ! I’ll do it. But had I known that it would take place during final’s week at school, I might have hesitated. But I probably would have taken it anyways because I mean – no more big fluffy coats! No more huddling around a space heater! And if the hot water in my apartment doesn’t work (which happens more often than it should), you know, I don’t mind as much. I can get by! And there’s the flowers, and just the smells of spring. After the long dead gray drab winter – I just can’t get enough of Spring. That’s why I like that Song of Songs quote at the start of the service – “winter is past, the rain is over and gone – the time of singing has come!” It is just a hopeful time of year for me and I wish it could be Spring everyday.
But, Spring…. spring is weird too. I mean, we have Spring cleaning, the time to throw out the old, and bring in the new. So we dig through all our things, reorganize, decide that this is old and busted, and then we go out and buy something to fill up that old space. Or maybe that thing that is old and busted reminds us of a piece our past – maybe an old relationship or a past experience. And all of the sudden, we’re carrying it around – and…it feels different…maybe changed. It feels like there might be new life there – like the new life outside. There’s…a bit of hope there.
Or maybe, no, maybe everything needs to be new and fresh. We’ll throw it all out, we’ll cut ourselves loose, remake ourselves. That might be the new life, hope, that we neeed. We’ll take a class, get a new haircut (well….I won’t but you might), buy new clothes, new shoes, and hang out in new places. And if you turn to fashion and lifestyle magazines – GQ, Esquire, Details – that’s what they’re all about. Ways to make you “more you.” That’s a springish hope too.
None of these things are bad, per se. I think they’re natural and normal. I think that hope in our past or that hope in cutting ourselves from that past – sometimes we need that.
But there’s a problem with this kind of Hope – and, well, I’m gonna use something that Paul says in Roman when he brings up that whole “redemption of our bodies” thing. When I first read this passage, I’ll admit I didn’t think about heaven, or grace, or resurrection, or any of those churchy things. And that’s, well, bad, because I’m in seminary – I’m supposed to notice those things. In fact, I’ve had an entire course on Paul and Ancient Rome’s view of the body and how different it is than what we think today. And even after all that, I still, when I think about the Spring and body – is the pool, summer, fun in the sun…the beach! And how I haven’t done a sit-up all winter. In fact, I’ve been eating all the Starbucks pastries that seem to magically keep showing up here at Advent. I’ve been “invited” into my school’s all-you-can-eat-buffet all winter long and enjoying piles of cookies for lunch because dessert at lunch is awesome. I even indulged in a little of that today as a matter of fact. So there’s no way that I’m ready to go out there in my swimsuit – no way I’d feel comfortable. I know I’m not the only one who thinks this way – and, to be honest, when it comes to being told you have body issues – women have it way worse than I ever will. So, as much as I love Spring, there are parts of it that I dread. There’s fear too. Because in spring cleaning, those new connections, that new me – there’s that little ol’ fact that the old me isn’t good enough. There’s so much expectation that…that we can get better, be different, be all the things we’re supposed to be. And if we don’t make it, if we don’t reach our hopes, goals, dreams – then that’s our fault. And that’s the problem with Springtime – it’s all left up to us.
But is that Paul’s hope? Creation’s Hope? That we have the final say and that everything is up to us? I don’t think so. If we believe we can control it, then Paul wants to have nothing to do with that hope. That’s not even the hope that the beloved in Song of Songs is saying or the hope in the healing story of Acts where the first thing that people wanted to do when they saw the healing was make Paul and Barnabas gods – as if they had ultimate control over what they did. The hope that Paul is talking about in Romans is simply that God has gone ahead and taken control. When it comes to you – to the person you are – God has said that you’re worth being loved. And not only that, but through Jesus and the Cross, through baptism, God went ahead and loved you. You’re not perfect – but God wants you anyways. That’s creation’s hope, that’s our Christian and our Easter hope!
But it’s not an easy hope. It’s a hope we don’t control but a hope that is given to us. And that’s scary. I mean, that love is on God – it’s God’s prerogative. As the song goes, God can do what God wanna do – and God’s doing it just for you. God took care of it! That is such a mindblowing thing because it just doesn’t seem to match with our expectations. It doesn’t really match up with our lives. There’s so much we’re supposed to control – our stuff, our jobs, education, relationships – I mean, that’s what life, the world, society tells us. That’s what we tell ourselves. But when it comes to God’s love, God does it. God loves you and, in a way, God has faith in you.
I think we live our lives in a strange place. Like Paul said, we groan as we wait for adoption – we want that fullness that God promises for us right now. We want to see the spring rains. We want to live a life and be in a world where our only prayer is song and where everyone knows that they are loved. But sometimes, we’re gonna be stuck in winter. We’re gonna look for the spring sun and wonder if its going to come. There are days when our steadfast love for God is going to be ridiculously hard to maintain, if not impossible. But God’s love for you – is a Springtime Hope that has been promised to you, given to you. God has claimed you, even in your sorrows, doubts, sadness, joys, laughter, happiness, God has claimed all of you.
And that’s scary because it puts us in the strange position this time of year being loved while we want to change. That new life in the air, in the marketing campaigns all around us, means that as we throw everything out, or rework our past, or sneak out of the office for a quick jog to work off that donut from the morning meeting – we’re loved. We’ve already been marked with the cross – forever. We’ve already been adopted into God’s house even if we don’t feel like we belong there quite yet. And if we never get to that perfect feeling – and if we fail and never make the changes we think we’re supposed to make God is still with us. We’re not alone. And because we’re not alone – even our notion of “Spring change” is changed. Because God’s love is all about us – we’re the focus – it’s me and you and all of us – but God’s love doesn’t stop at just us. It turns us. It calls out to us and leads us to grow into that fullness of love that is given to us. That love isn’t just a quantity – or a measuring stick – or a gague that is filled up and doesn’t do anything. It’s a force. It’s a motion. It’s a call. We’re called to struggle, to witness struggle, and to live out God’s love in the midst of struggle. It’s a call to love and to let others have a chance at love too. Springtime Hope, in many ways, is all about us – and not at the same time. By God taking the initiative on us, we’re opened to love others – our neighbors, family, friends, loved ones, everyone gathered here…and then even strangers – no matter who they are – we are opened to love them. Because a new dawn has broken, whether the world knows it or not. And since the resurrection of Christ, everyday is a true Spring day. For flowers have appeared on the earth, the fig tree is putting forth its figs, the vines are in blossom and the time for our singing, our witness, our love, our call to be that voice of the turtledove in our families, friendships, workplaces, neighborhoods, cities, states, nations, and world – that time has come. That time is now. That’s our Springtime Hope. Amen

Moonstruck, Obama, Seminary, and Me

So it seems that during my Church History Final Exam (covering the Oxford movement through the 1960s), President Obama came out and finally announced his support for marriage equality. I’m glad he did. He’s not leading a charge nor is he launching a campaign but he did throw his support to marriage equality (in name at least). And I consider that a big step. It does make the campaign’s behavior after Biden’s “snafu” on Sunday a little hairy – and I, personally, think Biden caused Obama to show his hand earlier than he originally planned. But I’m glad it is out there, done, and I can watch as my facebook newsfeed is covered in “YAY OBAMA” or “BOO OBAMA” comments. It’ll keep the morning lively while I prepare a sermon and study for my NT oral exam.

After my exam yesterday, the Lutheran professor on campus threw together a lutheran/campus-ministry/taize style liturgy for a small group of Lutherans and supporters on campus. We met in the practice chapel (which is where they keep Jesus until he’s eaten), formed a small circle, and went through a lovely service. I felt bad because I forgot to bring an ELW while one of my episcopal buddies showed up with one (he’s a better Lutheran than me I bet). I’ll admit that it was nice doing a Lutheran Christian liturgy at seminary. I got a little emotional (cuz of some events coming up and, well, I was just plain exhausted after my exam). It was great. I hope they make it into a regular event during the coming year.

Afterwards, two buddies of mine and I went to a local diner to unwind and have dinner. While there (we all had breakfast for dinner mmmmm), a portly, balding, unkept middle aged man came up to us. He had a notepad in hand, looked a tad buzzed, and just started talking. It took about five minutes to realize that this guy claimed to be a reporter and was in Chelsea looking for gays to comment on Obama’s announcement. The reason why it took so long to find this out is because he would not shut up about not being able to find gays in Chelsea. He kept talking to straight guys! Even muscle-bound guys! They were straight too! Can you believe it? His editors was “on his ass” for not getting quotes from the gays. The whole spectacle was incredibly uncomfortable, and really ,really strange. One of my companions was gay, which made the reporter a tad excited, and he brushed me and my other friend off because “I’ve already talked to too many straight guys.” My gay friend, however, didn’t want his name used so the reporter was all “well, I can’t use you!” and shut down the conversation. We suggested that he visit the local club with go-go boys (Rawhide) as we were sure he’d find what he was looking for there. It was honestly one of the weirdest conversations I’ve been privy to in a long time. It didn’t seem real, nor did he seem like a real journalist. Or maybe I just haven’t been interviewed by enough journalists to know how things are done. Either way, if he had stopped talking for a few minutes, and discovered we were all seminarians, he might have taken our quotes more seriously. But, alas, my name in the papers was not to be. Oh well.

Leap of Faith

Yesterday, after church (my final Sunday at my field site until the fall), K and I saw Leap of Faith on Broadway. Now, before you judge us, please know that we got in for free. The show has yet to receive any good reviews and the only reason why it is still on Broadway is because it received a Tony nomination for Best Musical (the rumor is that the producers are trying to raise $2 million dollars to keep the show open till June 10 since it’s losing $250k a week right now). The story is predictable, the wigs questionable, and the lyrics are forgettable (except for one). The dancing is good and it is an awesomely racially diverse cast (which, come to think about it, why are all the religious themed shows the most diverse?) It isn’t a good show but since my expectations were really low, I kinda enjoyed it. It had that dumb summer fun feel to it. And I would wear Raul’s mirror jacket in a heartbeat. Heck, I’d preach in it and blind everyone for Jesus. You think Paul saw a light? Just wait until I put on that jacket!

Anyways, I wish I could comment on the religious elements of the show but, well, it was pretty light. Jesus showed up in the lyrics but there was very little theology in the show. It’s only God moments are pretty weak, predictable, and boring. All you have to do is believe? Sheesh. Been there, done that, paid too much for the t-shirt. For a musical (based on a movie) that steals its title from Kirkegaard, I would like a little more substance. But where the musical fails to provide the depth that might make it interesting, reality goes ahead and fills the void. It seems one of the producers for the show is a Catholic Religious Order that is trying to think creative ways to survive. It’s numbers are dwindling as its average age creeps up (currently at 78). The order, the Passionists of the Province of St. Paul of the Cross, is selling property, closing retreat centers, and experimenting with how to reach out into a different world. Like the article says, the only way they are going to make their money back is through a miracle, but they are getting some press for their different kind of financial investment. The creators of the show find it funny that the Fathers invested in a show written by an atheist and three Jews. But, well, the Fathers are undergoing the same struggle that a lot of churches are and are asking the same kinds of questions. When the financial support starts to dry up, soul searching begins. In reality, a musical about the Passionists might be a more enjoyable thing. Like Jonas in “Leap of Faith,” they’re finding themselves in a tough spot. But unlike Jonas, I think the Passionists have a much more telling, rich, and interesting story.

I am Catherine of Siena

Living Lutheran shared a little thing written about Catherine of Siena whose feast my field site commemorated (very briefly) yesterday. I really don’t know much about the women mystics of the middle ages (even though I have read some of their work) but, what follows, struck me.

Unlike many of the other female mystics of the medieval period, like Julian of Norwich, Catherine of Siena didn’t live a cloistered life. She was part of a monastic tradition, but she returned to live with her family so that she could live among them and continue to reject them, a much tougher spiritual task. While doing that, she gave away food and clothing, to the detriment of the family wealth. She didn’t care.

I don’t mean to too my own horn but the part I bolded, that was meant to a T while I was a teenager. I should have used “well, Catherine of Siena did it” as an excuse during those years. Though, yes, I did not give food away, or clothing, or even go to church; details, man, details.

Argh! Why didn’t anyone tell me about the Internet Archive?

The next time I’m writing a paper about a period of Lutheran history where the copyright for published materials has expired, I should take a gander at the Internet Archive. The 1958 Hymnal, History of the Maryland Synod till 1920, The Lutheran Magazine from 1830s, A Lutheran Cookbook from 1907, The Memoirs of the Lutheran Liturgical Association, 1906, etc, etc. 1690 titles! And what’s also great is that some of the uploads can be downloaded in pdf and kindle format. Argh. If only I had a few more weeks to work on my history paper….