Since I’m about to enter into the Lutheran blogosphere

I need to share this article: The Core of Lutheran CORE: American Civil Religion and White Male Backlash. It’s making the rounds. I don’t have much to say about it except it feels spot on in regards to the underlying tensions that ground the groups rallying against the Church Wide Assembly’s recent decision to allow partnered pastors in committed same sex relationships be on the rooster of the ELCA. I can’t help but see theological underpinnings behind Lutheran CORE mimics the struggle and grumblings within and the LCMS – a struggle based on our inherited American protestantism and the consquences that theology, methodology, and ideology has when it comes up against the Lutheran confessions. You can’t just label one as “conservative” or “right wing”. A clash of theology is right in there too.

I realize that there are a million things that happened leading up to my wedding that I didn’t post. Alas, I should have but I was too busy. I did get married so I’m no longer a groomzilla. But I’m probably not ready to retire my zilla nature just yet. After I receive the professional wedding pictures, I’ll share them and then this blog will change into a whole new direction. Hmmmm. I wonder what the layout will be.

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